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Cleaning Tablets 12 pack

£ 10.00
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Cleaning tablets - 12 tablets.

New pack size - 6-12 Months Supply
For the 3rd generation Ground machine.

The tablets keep your shower filter plate clean and free from blockages caused by hardened coffee residue. We recommend that you use one tablet every two weeks to keep your machine in top condition.

Remove the coffee handle from your machine and place a single cleaning tablet in the handle and replace the handle back in place.

Ensure that you have a container below the handle ready to catch water.

Turn on coffee switch for 20 seconds.

Wait for 1 minute.

Turn the handle from side to side to clean the area and the seal and then turn on coffee switch again for 20 seconds.

Repeat process a further 4 times.

Ensure there is no residue left inside the handle.

Clean the handle with fresh hot water.

Replace handle in machine.

What you get: 

  • Bag of 12 tablets.