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FrancisFrancis TRIO X1, X3 & X6 TRIO - Single Replacement 'O' Ring

£ 8.00
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FRANCISFRANCIS trio x1, x3, trio SINGLE o-ring seal - one per pack



Replacement o-ring for your X6 TRIO pod machine, also replaces the o-ring on your X1 or X3 TRIO machine.
A TRIO pod handle has a plastic insert that houses the pod, when the handle is in position on the group head this seal is positioned to align over the top of the pod, creating the seal to the group head.

Suitable for TRIO POD ONLY machines. They don't fit on a GROUND or CAPSULE machine or a 1st/2nd generation Classic.  A TRIO machine will only accept ESE pods. A TRIO machine can be a X6, X3 (rare) or X1 machine.

PLEASE NOTE: your existing O ring may be black - our current stock is red - but they are fully compatible.

 francisfrancis x6 + X1 TRIO + X3 TRIO

What you get: 

  • One TRIO o-ring.